Monday, May 26, 2008

Simply survive

Life just has to go on....

Simply Through The Fire

This is what love is all about....

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Simply relationship

By listening to the lyrics of the song, the wonder of life, relationships and love are all interpreted. To all my love ones, enjoy the song.


A dear friend has pesistently pushed me to start writing. There are things in my life that are interesting, she said, to make me turn out as I am today. Be it that the traits are desirable qualities or those that doom me a failure. All I wanted to be is a decent human being.

From the start, I wanted a simple life. One that I was familiar with growing up. God willing, my entire life went on smoothly with less hiccups. Now, it seems complicated with all the worldly desires and sorrows.

I shall then continue with a Hello.